‘Striving for excellence in all that we do!’
This section of the website has a number of resources for parents to assist their children at home using methods that the children are already familiar with. The resources will be added on a regular basis and will be sorted by topic.
These sheets are designed for to help children practise their times tables. There are 20 levels, level 1 being the easiest and level 20 the most difficult. If a sheet is completed in the 3 minutes allowed and all answered correctly children can then progress to the next level.
Fluency is being able to use a variety of number facts such as (8+2=10, 7+3=10, 10-2=8, 7x4=28) and methods such as column addition to work out answers in different maths topics. We have created a number of video tutorials to visually demonstrate how to help your child improve mathematical fluency.
The Book Trust is the UK's largest children's reading charity and has some fantastic online resources to encourage your child to read. Please visit their website at www.booktrust.org.uk
These have been compiled from a result of national educational surveys. Please click on the appropriate link to view, print or download.
These booklets are available to download by clicking on the links below.
This resource explains how word study is delivered in our school curriculum. It also contains valuable guidance for activities to do at home.
We have two resources available to assist you, please click on the links provided below.
This document aims to provide you with an insight as to how children are expected to be assessed during the academic year 2017 - 2018.